Friday, 9 August 2013

Is blogging narcissistic??

According to recent studies, yes!!!!! One article said that to put yourself in the public eye and talk about yourself, there has to be a small part of yourself that 'believes you are better than others.' I'm not sure how I feel about this?
I decided to write about being pregnant in Manila while living away from home. Why? Because there are hundreds of women living around the world doing what i'm doing right now and there were no pregnant expat blogs…hence how I ended up with, either that or I haven't looked very hard!! Its hard being pregnant at home, its much harder being pregnant in a country where English is a second language, the country is third world, diets are different, lifestyle is different and challenges in general are different from what our friends are going through at home.

My other motivation for the blog was this: I'm pretty fit and healthy, I go to the gym often, my house is Gluten Free, my son has an overactive immune system and diary, gluten and soy really aren't his friends. We try not to eat sugar, although at the moment my house is SUGAR FULL!!!! My husband is into body building, so we live a relatively clean lifestyle. I had my son 8yrs ago, when this baby is born it will be 9yrs and I was young, 22 to be precise. I'm not sure how easy its going to be this time around. I'm 7wks today and craving chocolate, chocolate and chocolate!!! I'm drinking juice and soda which I never have and my gym days have gone from 4 to 2. I swear my stomach is already bulging…it may be from the chocolate hahaha!!!

So back to the second motivation, I'm living in a country where 20% of the population has diabetes and 5 out 10 people die from cardiovascular disease. Just as an example I'll order an English Breakfast tea from starbucks and i'm asked at least four times if I want syrup in my tea…sometimes they stick it in anyway!! I've been reading about the detrimental effects sugar has not only on pregnant women but also on their babies. I didn't have any sugar cravings with my first so i'm really struggling with it this time round, as I'm sure many women are and i'm realistic, I am older now, my metabolism isn't what it was at 22. Today I woke up and decided that I wasn't going to give into the cravings and I guess I want to write about how hard/easy its going to be….I already feel like digging into that cookies and cream white chocolate block I hid in the bread maker last night…maybe I'll get someone else to hide it next time : (

All I want is to share what I'm going through and hear from others that are struggling with the same things I am. Its fun to read about other women, you get to laugh and say, yeah I know how you feel and encourage each other to push through and be strong!! When you're alone in another country and don't have pregnant friends its nice to read about someone else and make a connection and know that you're not alone : )

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